Piper turned one! I can't belive it. I'm the mother of a one year old! And she's an adorable specimen if I may say so. She is a little motorbutt, crawling at super speeds, quite hilariously too. She puts her head down and just zooms along. Which is just grand until her not-looking ends with her head coming in contact with walls and the like. Then she gets a puzzled look, often followed by a sort burst of tears, before resuming her pursuit with her head up for at least a minute or two. She doesn't like dresses, though she got several simply fabulous ones for her birthday, because they are just too darn hard to crawl in. She also got toys and other clothes, but only recently discovered that the toys can be just as much fun as the wrapping paper and boxes they came in. She also has discovered the wonders of cake. Cupcakes are fabulous, as are cookies, but cakes are allowed to be smooshed and everyone just smiles so they have become her favorite. But when she's that cute what am I to do?
She didn't like that it crumbled

But she loved that I let her do it all by herself!
And she knows when a smile will make everything forgiven!
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the fabulous Easter Party, but it was oodles of fun! Piper found 5 eggs, one all by herself. She didn't like that icky grass stuff she had to traverse to get ot the wonderful tasting plastic egg, but se perservered. And she still adores them. We are putting all the eggs away with the decorations, she found a red dinosaur one and she even sleeps with it sometimes. And her birthday cake was served there. It was in the shape of an Easter basket with eggs shaped sugar cookies inside. I made it, and I am more than a little proud of myself. My first cake and it was grand. I'll have pitures up soon.
So Logan decided to put an ad on Craig's List for doors. He said he was a garage door guy and had a spare door sitting in the our garage that he needed to sell. He marked it up a little, and then said ne would also help install if needed for a nominal fee. 3 days later he had 25 responses. We only hope things will continue in this fashion. Because, while we aren't exactly rolling in the dough, we are able to pay our bills, and have a steady income. He had work every single day last week. For the first time in eight months. We can hardly contain our excitment. Though Piper misses him when he goes. She's used to seeing her daddy a lot more than she has of late.
Tuesday was our 2 year anniversary and we had a wonderful night. (Not like that! As if I'd write about it on my blog.) Fawn kept Piper overnight and we went to dinner, then to the movies, and then for some dessert. No time restraints, no worrying about getting Piper home for bed, it was like we were dating again. A year may not be that long especially in the grand scheme of things, but when you take that and tack on the 2 months I was too big to really do anything, it's been awhile since we were just husband and wife with nothing to do but enjoy each other's company. And we really did enjoy it. A great night all the way around.
Okay, sick to death of mamma mia. I could sit here and write out the entire script for you. Piper still enjoys it to the hilt though, and so when we must confine her to her bouncer (like when I'm mopping and suchlike) it's on. She is almost walking... well she's technically walking, because she's taken steps, but she won't now. She is terrified of falling, and so won't stand if you let go of her. She took a bad spill and now the only way to get her to walk is to trick her into it. Which only works every once in a while, because she's caught onto that ploy. I'm going back down to California tomorrow, because I do that a lot. I'm pretty fond of it there. Though it's been in the eighties here so I'm actually starting to enjoy myself. But we are actually going because alyssa is back from collegia and she has to see piper, and I'm benefitting from that.
Okay, that's it. Hugely a lot I know, but it's been a while, and so much has happened!
And here are a few headlines that missed the point:
Include Your Children When Baking Cookies
Something Went Wrong In Jet Crash, Expert Says
Lung Cancer in Women Mushrooms
Eye Drops Off Shelf
Teachers Strike Idle Kids
Miner Refuses to Work After Death
Stolen Painting Found By Tree
War Dims Hope for Peace
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetary, Hundreds Dead
Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Steals Clock, Faces Time
Sex Ed. Delayed, Teachers Request Training
Have a nice day!