I know I'm just a young spring chicken to most of you who read this, but I feel old. Don't get mad, it's just the new life stages I'm encountering, it makes me feel like I'm far too old.
Birthday is in 2 days. Creepy.... well, I'm hoping it will be, what with the Halloween theme going on. :) I love birthdays, I get to talk to everybody who loves me, and I just feel so happy.
Life is...hard for us right now, so, I don't want to sound desparate or whiney, but we sure would appreciate whatever prayers and good thoughts you can send our way.
I have recently discovered that I really love techno music. Again. I used way back... like 10 years ago. But I do again. And ohmigarsh, so does Piper. She is so hilarious when I turn on that kind of music. Her butt just starts going.... and she giggles and spins... so cute.
Ah Piper. i have neglected you all needing your Piper fixes. So, her new words:
Daddy(exactly, no slurring whatsoever)
Tank you (for thank you)
Doggie (which can be anything from a dog to a car)
Kitty kitty, which goes eyow eyow
Becca (only name thus far, and boy does her auntie love it)
buggie (which we don't know what on earth it is, not bugs, boogers, or binkies...????)
Why(and so it begins)
Hey you
Ball (where's ball? theres ball! is repeated over and over as she throws it and then finds it again)
What is it?
Go way
Baby (always 'oh is baby')
Bear (rawr!)
Sheep (ba ba ba ba)
Duckie (quack quack quack)
You would not believe how many things quack now... And she also knows that she is Piper, and if we ask she shreiks PIPEY!!!!
She runs full speed ahead, which isn't good when wearing socks. She falls at full speed too. I have a shirt that I'm wearing today with a my little pony on it. She points at it every few minutes, calls it a doggie, and then barks at it a few times. Great.
She's got her four front teeth, two more on the bottom, and two top molars. Lots more food available, which she enjoys very much.
On another and sad note, I have to go now, so have a happy Halloween if I don't get back on before then!!!!