
I know I know, I'm dreadful.

I'm trying, really I am! I'm just busy so much now it's hard to find the time to sit at the computer for any amount of time. Toddlers require much more energy and ingenuity than infants. And they like keyboards a heck of a lot more too.

So. Piper took a dreadful spill today and I feel like the worst mother in the world. I didn't see it coming, because sudden trips into speakers are far from predictable. And so the immediate and heartbreaking screaming started and I felt like the biggest failure. She's fine, actually, which is just enough that I don't hate myself totally. But I get a huge pang everytime I see the ginormous dent and swollen eye she is now sporting. Her vision is unaffected, and even pushing directly on the wound doesn't bother her in the slightest. So my guilt has been slightly assauged, but I don't think I'll feel ok until the mark is gone. :( Being a parent is hard when you can't protect them from themselves.

I am feeling like crap, but we finally have insurance so I can go to a doctor and figure out why. Yay!!!!! Hopefully all will be well and it will be an easy fix. Keep your fingers crossed!

I have a question. I'm sure you will probably find it strange, but what to pincherbugs eat? Also called silverfish(dunno why) and earwigs (because they will unfortunately burrow in if possible). I know they eat something, but what? I doubt they eat earwax out in nature. In fact, I'm fairly certain they don't if they are able to get in your ear either.

On a completely random side note, I miss 90's music. I love the current music found on the radio and CD's and suchlike, I do really. But I was watching Dancing with the Stars the other night and they had some great songs fromthe 90's. And The 80's too, which I always have loved. But I never realized how much I like the music from when I grew up. Totally random discovery.

It is cold here now. We keep getting snow. Actually, I would love it if we got snow, because that would bring UP the temperature. No cloud cover equals unbelievably cold weather. I want to wear my ski jacket most days. Can't go outside with wet hair, it will freeze. No room in the fridge? Stick it out in the garage. Though it may get colder than you wanted. Note to self: never put canned soda outside in below freezing temperatures, will explode. Dunno why, and thankfully we have soda only once in a blue moon, but it happened to my mother-in-law at the end of last winter. I think. Leastwise, that's what was claimed. Ick.

Piper is almost ready to begin potty-training, we just have to help her get over her fear of the toilet. But she announces when she's done going to the bathroom, and runs to her room and scales her changing table when we say it's time for diaper change. It's actually pretty darn cute.

So I best be going, next time, if my internet is being more cooperative I'll upload some pictures and maybe even a video. If I can swing it. Stupid internet. :)

See ya!