

Sorry I haven't updated in awhile. I know you all are probably anxious to hear what's up with me. Or just a few of you. ;)

Anyways, Piper is growing like a weed. She is six months old today. She is wearing 9 month clothes. Except for one little onsie that's really cute that my mama bought for her. It's pink with puffy sleeves and little strawberries all over it. IT's a 0-3 month. It fits her perfectly. It's a phenomenon. I dunno how that works, but it does. She's been wearing it for alittle over 3 months and it fits her just as well now as it did then. But we have just discovered that the 6-9 month clothes we bought for her two weeks ago are too small now.

There are fairies skipping around our house making things impossible. Or, to be more precise, making impossible things happen. The clothes are only the beginning. She hasn't started crawling yet. But she's about a month away from standing on her own. And instead of eating people's chins (as I remember my brother doing) she wants to eat your nose. Or your cheek. It tickles no little bit as well.

Maybe it's not the impossible. Maybe the fairies are just making things happen backwards. Logan cooks. I take out the trash. Logan shops and I stay home.

The world as I know is .... distinctly different than I thought it would be.

I blame the fairies.


Kristin Hanson said...

How funny - Evie is just now starting to fit in 6-9 mo clothes. The are too wide, but almost the right length. And she's 9 months....

Annette said...

That is adorable. I love it when they bite on your chins and noses. I can't wait to see her, hopefully at Thanksgiving time.

cara said...

I miss you! I'm so happy that you finally updated you blog! :)

Love you, Cara

Sharon said...

It will be so fun when she can crawl. Your life will never be the same. Or your house, or church, or the yard. She is almost growing into that cute destructive stage that we all love! Sam opened all Cara's markers when he was 7 months. He ate them. I still remember catching him with blue and green mouth and blue and green drool. Have fun!

cara said...

Helloa! Do you EVER update your blog! Well I guess your probably spending more time with Piper, which is fabulous. She is SO adorable! Try to take more pictures!

cara said...

I barely ever look on your blog now because you never update on it. :( I still love you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
much! You are a fabulous cousin and I think that you are the best cousin I could wish for! Piper is SO cute!

cara said...

I miss you. Seriously. Write on your blog.