

We are here, in the land of sunshine. Now, some may argue (particularly my sisters in Hawaii), but I have to say that California IS the land of sun. It's the middle of february and we were out working on our tan this afternoon. How I have missed this. It's been storming in Idaho and we just beat a huge one last weekend that would have had us snowed in.

So why are down here, again? Well, unfortunately, it's not for fun or sun. Well, it is for me. But we aren't here on a lovely holiday (that was last month), this trip is business. Logan is working for his brother for two weeks while the person he hired to replace Logan when we moved is down in Mexico. Basically we're here to make us some money to keep us afloat for a little while we look for jobs.

Piper's favorite movie is Mamma Mia! and we watch it between 2 and 5 times a day. So isn't it strange that I still love the songs? I do. I listen to them and sing them all the time. Piper loves it. She claps for me. She's growing so fast!!! She crawls real crawling now. And she claps and waves. And talks, though she doesn't know what she's saying. She says mama and dada and nana. We've decided that since she started this nana thing while we're here that she's saying grandma, so that will be my mom's nickname.

I don't think I've told people, but I've been writing a book. It's taking over my brain. Everytime I am watching a movie or listening to music or knit, or change a diaper, or update my blog, or read a book, or anything really, my thoughts are hijacked by my plot. I only hope that something will come of it.

Happy Baby


cara said...

Your book sounds awesome! I want to read it when you're done! You ARE so lucky to be in California! I miss everyone so much! Hope to see you soon! (I know I always say that, but it's true!)

Sharon said...

Kaitlin, You look absolutely stunning in this picture. Good luck with the book. And sometimes I get on your blog just to listen to your music. Luv it!

cara said...


I love all the titles you title everything!

Like, Oh my dearie me and Silly little update, don't you know words are for reading?


Annette said...

Sharon is right! You look beautiful and radiant! It was so fun to see you last Sunday, even though we didn't get to chat at all. I did love holding bouncy Piper though. She's soooooo snuggly! I wanted to talk and hear all about your book, btw. You go girl! Love you.