You know, that stuff that everyone says is so important. The stuff you have to have in this country. That stuff that wars are faught over. That stuff that people are killed for. That icky ole stuff that's just so gosh darn important that if you don't have it you are a nobody. Sometimes worse than a nobody. Sometimes the lack of that icky-ness renders you invisible. Or it can even send you to prison.
I'm not talking lima beans here people.
Now, there are many way of obtaining that darn green stuff. You can trade your time and efforts for it. You can trade something you already have for it. You can take it from somebody who has some. You can wait for someone who loves you to die and get it from their lawyer. You can ask someboy for some. Someone could give it to you. There are even more ways than that. But all the rest are less and less likely ways to obtain it.
The bad part is, there are far more ways to lose it. If you plan to have a house, you'll lose some. If you plan to have a baby, you'll lose some. If you want to have a car or truck you'll lose some. Even if you ride the bus or take a taxi you still lose some. If you want some else to cut your hair you lose some. If you plan on eating you lose some. If you want to have lights on in your house, heat or a/c, water, TV, Internet, phones, and someone to take away your garbage, you lose some. If you want to take those cars or trucks anywhere you lose some. If you get bad habits and try to make more in an unreliable way you could lose a lot. If someone else pretend to be you they could take all of yours. There are too many ways to count.
It's so much easier to find places for it to go, than to find ways to get more of it.
It's probably the leading cause of worry in the average household.
I don't like it. I wish it wasn't a necessity. But it is. And so life goes on and the endless pursuit for that dumb stuff that people obsess over continues on. Whether I like it or not.
Money is weird. I think that it is strange. When people pay me it feels awkward and stuff! So I agree! COMPLETELY.
How true that is!
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