
To laugh or not to laugh-what a sad question

So, I don't know if you've noticed, but I tend to be a little silly and whimsical. Don't know rightly why, but there doesn't seem to be a cure. I am forever the weird one. :) Not that I object overmuch. I rather like being the odd one in a bunch. And boy am I.

In some places, I actually fit in. Me and my sisters get along famously. Even my brother, who we tormented mercilessly. We are alike in many ways, though that is to be expected with the whole growing up together that we were doing. And our silliness is definitely due to the fabulousness of our parents. With burping contests at the dinner table, movie quotes tossed out at random, a dad who was more likely to tease and joke than anything else, and a mom who wasn't afraid to sing silly songs, participate in camp pranks, and taught with laughter, how could we be any different?

And the extended family gets me, mostly. Some more than others, but they love me and accept that I'm just an odd duck.

California gave me my wonderful sense of humor and I was allowed to be silly and sarcastic. I was allowed to make puns and be outrageous. I could pop out of a closet and scare the pants off someone (usually my mother) and then laugh with them. I could dance around and generally make a fool of myself and have a grand ole time doing it. I could scream songs at the top of my lungs and hear my sisters answering with the next line from the other end of the house. I told jokes, I giggled. I laughed uproariously. I teased.

Apparently Idaho is a state without humor.

Nobody here gets me. I'm met with blank stares and complete incomprehension. I'm not that smart, and I know they aren't all stupid. But anything other than the most obvious jokes are just overlooked as a silly Californian being weird. And the jokes they find humorous...well I may just be too politically correct, but they all seem to be mildly offensive at best.

I don't laugh anymore. No giggles. I don't tell jokes. I don't tease - except my husband, but that's to be expected. I don't sing except to my daguhter. I don't dance at all. Sarcasm is too subtle. Silliness is looked at as immaturity.


cara said...

Hey Kait,
Email me weird jokes! I'll write you back! I miss you a lot. I hope that you can come to our house (you can be weird and crazy here!)
Have fun in Idaho, maybe you can finally make people laugh. Cara

Jenni said...

Jared says that where you live explains everything. He claims the rest of Idaho is different.

cara said...


My mom and dad's blog is


not sharonstevesabin.blogspot.com

I went to it on your blog and it came up as "does not exist.

cara said...

I miss you a LOT! You should write more often on your blog. I look at it EVERY day!

cara said...

Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!
Please write on your blog!

Louisa said...

Hey Kait!
I know JUST HOW YOU FEEL! I'm from the east and no one seems to get the way that I talk! They all look at me like I'm speaking only in profanities or something!!! It seems like a sad thing because I have now "learned to hold my mouth" and then I have to encourage Jesse the same way. That's even worse because then I'm always nagging him instead of allowing him to make his own decision. But after almost three years of marriage, and living in this...interesting place...Me thinks that what others think of you is over-rated. Poo on them! The only people you have to worry about, are those who will be with you forever...and that's those are the ones who love you:)

Unknown said...

Kapfree its lyssy im on beccas comp! Dont ever stop being who you are becasue your surroundings my be different or people dont respond the same. The people that are worth your time aare the people that love you ffor who you are, corks and al. Dont sound so pessimistic. I love you and always will for time and all eternity!