I know I know, I'm dreadful.
So. Piper took a dreadful spill today and I feel like the worst mother in the world. I didn't see it coming, because sudden trips into speakers are far from predictable. And so the immediate and heartbreaking screaming started and I felt like the biggest failure. She's fine, actually, which is just enough that I don't hate myself totally. But I get a huge pang everytime I see the ginormous dent and swollen eye she is now sporting. Her vision is unaffected, and even pushing directly on the wound doesn't bother her in the slightest. So my guilt has been slightly assauged, but I don't think I'll feel ok until the mark is gone. :( Being a parent is hard when you can't protect them from themselves.
I am feeling like crap, but we finally have insurance so I can go to a doctor and figure out why. Yay!!!!! Hopefully all will be well and it will be an easy fix. Keep your fingers crossed!
I have a question. I'm sure you will probably find it strange, but what to pincherbugs eat? Also called silverfish(dunno why) and earwigs (because they will unfortunately burrow in if possible). I know they eat something, but what? I doubt they eat earwax out in nature. In fact, I'm fairly certain they don't if they are able to get in your ear either.
On a completely random side note, I miss 90's music. I love the current music found on the radio and CD's and suchlike, I do really. But I was watching Dancing with the Stars the other night and they had some great songs fromthe 90's. And The 80's too, which I always have loved. But I never realized how much I like the music from when I grew up. Totally random discovery.
It is cold here now. We keep getting snow. Actually, I would love it if we got snow, because that would bring UP the temperature. No cloud cover equals unbelievably cold weather. I want to wear my ski jacket most days. Can't go outside with wet hair, it will freeze. No room in the fridge? Stick it out in the garage. Though it may get colder than you wanted. Note to self: never put canned soda outside in below freezing temperatures, will explode. Dunno why, and thankfully we have soda only once in a blue moon, but it happened to my mother-in-law at the end of last winter. I think. Leastwise, that's what was claimed. Ick.
Piper is almost ready to begin potty-training, we just have to help her get over her fear of the toilet. But she announces when she's done going to the bathroom, and runs to her room and scales her changing table when we say it's time for diaper change. It's actually pretty darn cute.
So I best be going, next time, if my internet is being more cooperative I'll upload some pictures and maybe even a video. If I can swing it. Stupid internet. :)
See ya!
Birthday is in 2 days. Creepy.... well, I'm hoping it will be, what with the Halloween theme going on. :) I love birthdays, I get to talk to everybody who loves me, and I just feel so happy.
Life is...hard for us right now, so, I don't want to sound desparate or whiney, but we sure would appreciate whatever prayers and good thoughts you can send our way.
I have recently discovered that I really love techno music. Again. I used way back... like 10 years ago. But I do again. And ohmigarsh, so does Piper. She is so hilarious when I turn on that kind of music. Her butt just starts going.... and she giggles and spins... so cute.
Ah Piper. i have neglected you all needing your Piper fixes. So, her new words:
Daddy(exactly, no slurring whatsoever)
Tank you (for thank you)
Doggie (which can be anything from a dog to a car)
Kitty kitty, which goes eyow eyow
Becca (only name thus far, and boy does her auntie love it)
buggie (which we don't know what on earth it is, not bugs, boogers, or binkies...????)
Why(and so it begins)
Hey you
Ball (where's ball? theres ball! is repeated over and over as she throws it and then finds it again)
What is it?
Go way
Baby (always 'oh is baby')
Bear (rawr!)
Sheep (ba ba ba ba)
Duckie (quack quack quack)
You would not believe how many things quack now... And she also knows that she is Piper, and if we ask she shreiks PIPEY!!!!
She runs full speed ahead, which isn't good when wearing socks. She falls at full speed too. I have a shirt that I'm wearing today with a my little pony on it. She points at it every few minutes, calls it a doggie, and then barks at it a few times. Great.
She's got her four front teeth, two more on the bottom, and two top molars. Lots more food available, which she enjoys very much.
On another and sad note, I have to go now, so have a happy Halloween if I don't get back on before then!!!!
Things learned
-Sex can become painful when going through menopause (not that I am, just interesting to know)
-Denture Cleaning Solutions work wonderfully on your shower heads to unclog and decalcify them without scratching and making it dull
-using a fine-toothed comb to hold a nail while trying to hammer it in helps clumsy folks such as I who may fear pounding fingers
-Flowers can make anyone happy, and brighten their day considerably, whether from spouses or children, from stores or from the garden.
-Little girls shaking their booties will bring smiles to even the most grumpy of indviduals
-If your indoor cats are too much, let them become outside cats, and in all likelyhood the mouse and bird population surrounding your home will take a mysterious plummet.
-Mr. Clean Magic Erasers work on darn near everything and are fabulous, but they also take off paint so use with caution
-If you are a new mother and have trouble finding time for a shower, take your child in with you. They will eventually enjoy it if they don't right away, and then you have gottne them clean too. Also helps if they've had an expolsive diaper, or thrown up.
-May not work for those of you afraid of them, but if you have a bug problem and can't afford exterminators, leave the spiders and their webs if you can and they'll help cut down on your bug population. Obviously don't leave poisonous ones, but otherwise they help more than they hinder.
-In the heat, instead of blow drying your hair, let it air dry and you'll stay a lot cooler. Doesn't work if your hair is uncooperative or must be tamed, but especially children can stay cool, and wet hair in ponytails stay cool for a while and cools any breeze that reaches your neck. Very handy.
-Don't plant cantalope near squash because they can cross pollinate and squashalope isn't really fabulous.
-It is possible to dehydrate spaghetti sauce and take the powder camping with you. Or just save space with food storage. (Logan thinks it's the coolest thing ever)
-Standing and sitting with your back straight and keeping good posture eliminates a few inches from your waist, and developes muscles that can in fact eat the fat that you're hiding doing so.
-Flipflops can contribute to leg and back aches, and you should do feet strengthening exercises if you plan to wear them often. if possible wear sandals with a heel strap.
-You may think your children are too young to do something, but never underestimate them or their understanding and comprehension.
-To make yourself look more awake, put highlighter or concealer on the shadows of your face (chin crease, between eyes, under eyes) and line lower lashes with bright shadow or liner.
-In a pinch, golf shoes can be used to airate a close-cropped lawn
-If you do your own floors, do not skimp on transition strips. the cheap ones crack and break alot.
-Horses, like many children, do not like peas. (strange I know)
-It is possible to get a will drawn up and completed for cheap (My hubby is selling a fabulous service and if you're interested let me know)
-You should not wear a turkey on your head, it will probably get stuck. And it smells.
-It is possible to make a camping stove with a soda can. And it works fabulously.
-Bread heels or slightly stale slices can be toasted and blended and are great for sprinkling on pasta dishes or salads and the like.
-Most summer drinks can be turned into popcicles with ice trays and popcicle sticks.
-A hot shower or bath that lasts longer than 10 minutes dehydrate your skin, so if you don't want to shorten your relaxation time remember to moisterize afterwards.
-Yard sales are full of things that are cheap and can be bargained down so check them out before you hit the store on saturday. (also babyshower and birthday presents can be found in such places)
-Pumpkins can come back for years, so keep that in mind when planting.
-If you don't want a lot of zuccini, planting in a bucket will control your produce by a significant
-Do not plant mint in anything but a box or bucket or it will take over your garden.
-Snow peas and sugar snap peas cross pollinate, but are actually pretty good together.
-Chocolate dipped grapes are actually pretty good.
-No money for dates? If you have money for a sitter just go stargazing and bring food for a picnic. No money for a sitter? Wait for the kids to be in bed (if possible) and play a game together, or Turn on some soft music and just dance.
-To much of a good thing isn't good and 5 slices of watermelon in a one year old are too much no matter how good it is. And 5 slices of watermelon actually produces quite a bit of vomit.
-Love your family and they'll love you back.
And love is all you need. :)
Here's her fabulous birthday cake. I'm inordinately proud of myself. Please don't disillusion me.
And most recently, she has decided, on a surprise visit to the horsey, that she likes it. She now watches it from the window and points to it imperiously when I do not immediately intuit that she would like to pet it again thank you very much.
So that's all for now. I'll try to get the vid up soon, and more about our lives (yes us boring adults) when I have more time. Enjoy!!!
If you sat down right now and tried to remember the first time you saw your child's face, could you? Not the time, obviously, but the way they looked, the way you felt, where you were, who was there. Can you remember it?
If you tried to remember the way you felt on your wedding day, how your spouse looked, who came, what you ate, whether you cried or not, the look on your parents faces, can you? Do you remember it all?
Can you remember your gradutation? Were you nervous? Who spoke? Who came? Was it inside, outside? Did you have fun or just endure? Is it still there? Can you remember it at all?
Do you remember your first job? The first day of your first job? Did you mess up? Were you a nervous wreck? Who did you work with? Can you remember their names?
Why is it that so many of our experiences become so insignificant that they don't even stay in our minds? I'd like to be able to say that I will never forget how it felt to hold my daughter the first time. How I cried when I saw her, and couldn't even form the words when my husband asked me if I wanted to hold her, but he still knew. I wish I could hold that feeling inside me and never lose it even a little bit. But already it slips away, day by day. I forget.
And those are the big things. I don't want to forget the way my daughter grins with her three teeth and then tries to attack my fingers. I don't want to forget how she loves to play peek-a-boo, and hides from me before popping up and laughing as she does it over and over. I don't want to forget the way she nestles down with her head under my chin and falls asleep listening to my heart. I don't want to forget how she tries to hide things on her head, and thinks it's the bestest ever.
There are so many things I don't want to forget, and I've already forgotten them. I wish I could get them back. They are my treasures, and it hurts to lose them day by day.
Don't forget what matters most. Never forget it.
The Monster Update
Piper turned one! I can't belive it. I'm the mother of a one year old! And she's an adorable specimen if I may say so. She is a little motorbutt, crawling at super speeds, quite hilariously too. She puts her head down and just zooms along. Which is just grand until her not-looking ends with her head coming in contact with walls and the like. Then she gets a puzzled look, often followed by a sort burst of tears, before resuming her pursuit with her head up for at least a minute or two. She doesn't like dresses, though she got several simply fabulous ones for her birthday, because they are just too darn hard to crawl in. She also got toys and other clothes, but only recently discovered that the toys can be just as much fun as the wrapping paper and boxes they came in. She also has discovered the wonders of cake. Cupcakes are fabulous, as are cookies, but cakes are allowed to be smooshed and everyone just smiles so they have become her favorite. But when she's that cute what am I to do?
She didn't like that it crumbled

But she loved that I let her do it all by herself!
And she knows when a smile will make everything forgiven!
Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of the fabulous Easter Party, but it was oodles of fun! Piper found 5 eggs, one all by herself. She didn't like that icky grass stuff she had to traverse to get ot the wonderful tasting plastic egg, but se perservered. And she still adores them. We are putting all the eggs away with the decorations, she found a red dinosaur one and she even sleeps with it sometimes. And her birthday cake was served there. It was in the shape of an Easter basket with eggs shaped sugar cookies inside. I made it, and I am more than a little proud of myself. My first cake and it was grand. I'll have pitures up soon.
So Logan decided to put an ad on Craig's List for doors. He said he was a garage door guy and had a spare door sitting in the our garage that he needed to sell. He marked it up a little, and then said ne would also help install if needed for a nominal fee. 3 days later he had 25 responses. We only hope things will continue in this fashion. Because, while we aren't exactly rolling in the dough, we are able to pay our bills, and have a steady income. He had work every single day last week. For the first time in eight months. We can hardly contain our excitment. Though Piper misses him when he goes. She's used to seeing her daddy a lot more than she has of late.
Tuesday was our 2 year anniversary and we had a wonderful night. (Not like that! As if I'd write about it on my blog.) Fawn kept Piper overnight and we went to dinner, then to the movies, and then for some dessert. No time restraints, no worrying about getting Piper home for bed, it was like we were dating again. A year may not be that long especially in the grand scheme of things, but when you take that and tack on the 2 months I was too big to really do anything, it's been awhile since we were just husband and wife with nothing to do but enjoy each other's company. And we really did enjoy it. A great night all the way around.
Okay, sick to death of mamma mia. I could sit here and write out the entire script for you. Piper still enjoys it to the hilt though, and so when we must confine her to her bouncer (like when I'm mopping and suchlike) it's on. She is almost walking... well she's technically walking, because she's taken steps, but she won't now. She is terrified of falling, and so won't stand if you let go of her. She took a bad spill and now the only way to get her to walk is to trick her into it. Which only works every once in a while, because she's caught onto that ploy. I'm going back down to California tomorrow, because I do that a lot. I'm pretty fond of it there. Though it's been in the eighties here so I'm actually starting to enjoy myself. But we are actually going because alyssa is back from collegia and she has to see piper, and I'm benefitting from that.
Okay, that's it. Hugely a lot I know, but it's been a while, and so much has happened!
And here are a few headlines that missed the point:
Include Your Children When Baking Cookies
Something Went Wrong In Jet Crash, Expert Says
Lung Cancer in Women Mushrooms
Eye Drops Off Shelf
Teachers Strike Idle Kids
Miner Refuses to Work After Death
Stolen Painting Found By Tree
War Dims Hope for Peace
Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures
Typhoon Rips Through Cemetary, Hundreds Dead
Kids Make Nutritious Snacks
Steals Clock, Faces Time
Sex Ed. Delayed, Teachers Request Training
Have a nice day!
Things Learned
-Horses run in circles, whether or not they are on a track.
-Lose enough times and no game is fun anymore.
-Babies will explode out of their diapers at the most inopportune moments.
-It takes money to make money. Oft said, but newly realized in a personal way.
-New shoes bring joy to ones life. No matter how much you spend.
-Talking after people stop listening is pointless, but I can't seem to stop myself. I hate leaving thoughts unfinished.
-People rarely listen through the end of what you have to say. But will pretend that they are.
-Taxes are grand in theory, but useless in practice.
-Clothes never look as good on you as they do on the manequin.
-Your children are the most expensive and precious thing in your home, and yet they are usually an afterthought to everyone else.
-The world is a strange and scarely place. Heard said many times. Realized in truth only very recently.
-Many people will take everything they can get, even if it's more than they need or want. Just because they can.
-The less stress in your life, the less time you waste in pointless worrying.
-Boys are thoughtless, irresponsible, unromantic, crude, and sometimes mean. But we love them still. And we forgive them of these things in hopes that they will forgive us for being fickle and picky and emotional and moody.
-Marriages are hard, but being alone is harder.
-Love is the cure-all in any situation. And if you remember that you'll be quicker to forgive.
-If you are happier throughout the day everything just seems to work itself out.
-I love my family more and more, and it never seems to stop, though I was sure it would. But I'm very glad it hasn't!
What have you all learned? I want to know!
There's no people like these people!!!

Can you see the faces?
Happy Baby
Oh my dearie me
So I was thinking oh yay, spring is on it's way.
This morning I woke up to a snow flurry. That hasn't stopped all day. And it's sticking!
So disappointed.
In other news, being a woman sucks, and I wish I didn't have to be. But I doubt being a boy would be any fun either. Gah.
Piper is little miss motor butt, and can't hold still to save her life. She doesn't even stay still while she's sleeping. Everytime she wake up from her nap, or I wake her up in the morning she's in a very different position than the one I laid her down in.
She is starting to learn words. Not saying them, but their meaning. She knows what no means and seems to take unholy delight in utterly ignoring us when we use it. She gives me that oh so innocent smile and I just know she's going to be an unholy terror. She'll probably have her daddy wrapped a around her finger and doing whatever she wants in no time flat. And me too probably. She's too darn cute.
A few words that I am particularly fond of (That don't actually exist):
Aquadextrous - Possessing the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes.
Burgacide - when a hamburger can't take any more torture and hurls itself through the grill into the coals
Disconfect - To sterilize the piece of candy you dropped on the floor by blowing on it, somehow assuming this will remove all the germs
Giraffiti - Vandalism spray painted very very high
Intaxication - the euphoria you feel at recieving your tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to begin with
Karmageddon - It's like, when everyone is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like the earth explodes and it's like a serious bummer ya know.
Phonesia - The affliction of dialing a phone number and fogeting who you were calling just as they answer.
Reintarnation - When you come back to life as a hillbilly
Sarchasm - the gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.
Tatyr- A lecherous Mr. Potato Head
Telecrastination - The act of letting the phone ring at least twice before you pick it up, even if you're only 6 inches away.
Well have a wonderful day!!!!
Hello to you all, and I hope your holidays were joyous ones.
So, for the Piper update:
*She has two teeth now
*She enjoys biting fingers
*She shines with unholy glee when she makes me scream
*She is mobile
*She doesn't like our hardwood floors
*She loves dirt, twigs, dust bunnies, strings, bits of plastic, and other such things that accumilate on our floors
*She puts everything in her mouth
*She puts EVERYTHING in her mouth
*She doesn't like her toys
*She likes hair clips and cell phones and cds and keyboards and wires and shoes and medicine bottles and water bottles and socks and earrings and necklaces and headphones...etc.
*She will not crawl on her hands and knees
*She often wll crawl with her elbows and then try to walk on her feet
*At the same time
*She flips over
*She doesn't like being on her back at all
*Changing her and bathing her have become tricky propositions
*She adores her daddy
*When drinking her bottles if her daddy is anywhere around she must look at him
*When she sees him she smiles
*She likes smiling with ehr bottle in her mouth and letting the milk dribble out the corners
*She dislikes bibs with a passion
*She doesn't understand why I won't let her feed herself
*Her nails grow like crazy and she uses them to latch onto things
*She loves to latch onto my arms and neck
*I have bloody welts on my arms and neck a lot these days
*She is fabulous
*She giggles adorably
*She growls at me and then growls again if I growl back
*She is the joy of my life
And in other news, no we haven't been able to find work. We are settling just fine up here. And we don't plan on another child until piper is two and a half, or we can afford it - whichever comes last. It's chilly, but I'm getting used to it and Logan adores it. We plan on visiting California again in about 3 weeks.
I"d love to hear from you all, I'm starved for adult conversation. Actually, for a conversation, rather than talking to myself... :) Love y'all. Drop me a line!