So here's the news. *Deep breath*
Piper's not crawling yet, but she sits up all one her own and she's strong enough to stand, she would just rather dive to anything that looks tasty, and everything looks tasty to her. She eats everything in sight, and even if she decides she doesn't like the taste of something she will continually put it into her mouth and make faces until you take it away from her. She loves bouncing, and though we have a ball we bounce her to sleep on, and a bouncer that she can bounce herself in, her favorite thing is to sit on your knee and bounce like she's riding a horsey. She still hates the car, which wasn't so fun on the drive to and from california, but thankfully sleeps wonderfully in then, so long as it's night. She hates plane rides more and does not sleep at all on those. The only good thing about those is that she doesn't scream during the flights, though she will shriek excitedly whenever she sees someone new.
I'm settling in well and amusing myself with cleaning and knitting and writing. I also might have made a friend, but I'm not sure yet because I haven't really spent too much time here, and the christmas season makes it difficult to make friends with people when they're busy with family and shopping and whatnot. But I'm hoping. Keep your fingers crossed and maybe in a few weeks I'll be writing how awesome my new friend is.
Logan is doing well, though business is dragging, and so he has started working for a realty company hauling trash, which may or may not offer a sort of stable future. There are some venues he's pursuing (a job for a month in california, and a hauling job with his uncle a few months out), but thus far we're living on savings and the goodwill of our families. Pray for us, if you have a spare secnd or two in your prayers, because we're nearing a point of desperation and could use all the help we can get.
Thanksgiving was fabulous, we went down and spent it with my folks and even thought the girls weren't there a good time was had by all. We'll be going down the day after Christmas too, and though the drive is daunting and dreadful, we are looking forward to it. Well, I am at least. I think Logan is too.
Anywhoodles, if there's anything else that you all would like to know about our stupendous lives, let me know!! I'll try to be better about posting. :)

She loves herself some santa!!! Look she's just finishing him off!! :)
1 comment:
Piper is SO cute!!!!!
I miss her SO much!
She probably doesn't even remember me. That's why you HAVE to visit us! EVERYONE would LOVE it!!!!!
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