

I am a planner.

If I'm planning something then I feel important and like I have a purpose. It doesn't have to be anything more than a girls night out. Or a really nice dinner for me and Logan. If I'm planning I don't feel useless and I don't dwell on the unpleasant things.

For instance, I have decided I am going to plan a tea party for next summer. Yes it's a really long ways away, and no one I know really drinks tea. But I have a plan and since when do you have to actually drink tea at a tea party? See, if I start planning now it's going to be an uber fabulous party, and I'll have time to experiment with recipes, look for a tea set, and figure out how I want to decorate. And with this much notice I'll be able to have the people I want come because I'll be able to plan it when I know they'll be here. So for all that's it's sort of crazy, it's helping me so I'm not. Crazy that is.

I love planning parties and dinners and romantic evenings and family dinners and girls nights out and things like that. I have so much fun and I'm pretty good at it too. Maybe I'll get a calling that lets me plan stuff. I think I'd really enjoy that.

I've also been planning the house. The painting and the arranging and the furniture buying. I don't know if I should try to get all the painting done and then move on to getting the furniture, or if I should do one room completely before moving on to the next. If anyone here has done this sort of thing, I'd love some advice.

Pictures are coming, I just haven't finished unpacking enough yet. So hold on. It won't be long now. Piper has just been taking up my time. Don't worry, it won't be like on the Incredibles. I fully intend to be unpacked within the next week or so. Not three years. :)

Anyways, I have to go, lots to do. Next post I'll let you know how things are going on the work front and hopefully have some pictures of Piper at least. Toodles!


Tamara said...

I drink tea, silly. I thought you knew that. Anyway, I feel really bad that I STILL haven't replied to your e-mail, but don't despair! I'll be finished with my stupid online Geology class (the reason for my busyness) on Saturday and I will e-mail you then. For reals. I even made a note on my white board.

k8esk8e said...

I know you do. I remembered right after I posted. By the way... what are you up to next summer???? ;) And no worries, I don't mind the procrastination, you know I am queen when it comes to that. I just miss you. I really want to hear from you. So if you have the chance, give me a call, I'm in the same time zone as you now, so anytime! Just don't erase your white board, I really want to hear what you think about my story. Which is coming along-ish. kiss kiss

Jenni said...

I've never done it, but I recommend doing your decorating each room at a time. That's how I would do it.

k8esk8e said...

Thanks Jenni. I think that way be easier too. :)