
It's a well of a tale I tell you...

Well troubles. Definitely not on my list of favorite troubles. In fact, I wish to hunt down the well fairy and give her a piece of my mind.

In case I'm being to indirect and subtle, our well troubles are far from over.

They're supposed to be.

We had our water treated and couldn't use anything for a whole day. No showers, no drinks of water, cleaning out all the contaminated ice, no washing dishes, we weren't even supposed to flush the toilet.

And yesterday we found out that it didn't do any good, so the money we paid was for nothing. And we had to do it again. For twice the cost as last time. No water today. Just finished flushing it all out.

Our house smells like a pool. They use chlorine to clean and kill everything. So I'm having strange swimming flashbacks. Kinda cool, because I totally loved the pool and swimming lessons and the swim team... but you know, it's our house. Not a pool in the middle of a hot summer day. So I'm not really so thrilled. Now I want to go swimming but I can't.

In other news, Piper is totally all better from whatever was ailing her. And she is hating life. Teething sucks. But she is utterly thrilled with oragel, so things aren't all that bad.

Okay, it's time for me to go now. Lots of anxiety and efficiency combined with severe shortage of sleep is not good for anybody. Much less a 21 year old mother who wakes up 4 to 5 times a night and then is up at 7 for the day.

Toodles y'all.


Kristin Hanson said...

The other thing that's great for teething is Hylands Teething Tablets - they take the edge off and help them relax. It's been a life saver w/ the 4 teeth that Evie has cut with in the last month.

k8esk8e said...

yeah, i heard that. logan is actually picking some up right now. here's hoping they work.