
West Nile

To test for West Nile you go to the little clinic that is designated for your area. This is to cut down on how many clinics need to be equipped for testing. Also so they can keep an accurate account of how many cases have been diagnosed and in which areas. They do it for free, and they'll treat you for free too. All you have to do is make an appointment and go get your blood drawn and they'll test it and let you know within a week what your results were. And they'll set up care for you and answer any questions you may have.

So as a precaution, since we couldn't figure out what I was sick with, we went last Thursday to get me tested. West Nile is common in this area, and I have many mosquito bites. I always was concerned because while it isn't supposed to be contagious, you never can tell when you're breastfeeding.

Rest assured, Piper is safe. It can't be passed that way. In fact, only antibodies to the virus can be, so she is, in fact, less likely to get it.

If I had it. which I doubt. But I got a call this morning letting me know that the rather large vial of blood they drew a week ago was not enough and could I please come back so they could drain me dry? I may be exaggerating the phrasing a little.

I still have a large bruise from the last time they drew my blood. It's free, and let me tell you, you get what you pay for. She jiggled the needle all around in my arm trying to get the tourniquet off before she took it out, and let me tell you, if the same lady is doing it again, I will walk out of the room.

I have had my blood drawn many times. Many many times. Once I had to fill 10 vials. I know all the different techniques used. This lady had none. She should not have been allowed to hold that dumb vial, much less be the one to fill it.

I don't even have West Nile, and I still have to be put through this riggamaroll to satisfy my husband. And my doctors. This Bites.

So to take my mind off it, and yours, here are some pictures of my beautiful baby.

She loves holding her own hand

And eating her hand

And waving them both at me

And waving them at her fishies. And whacking them.
The fishies, not her hands.

So now I can be in a good mood. She's so beautiful.


Tamara said...

Awww! Piper is so adorable! I miss you so much!

And I'm sorry about the crazy nurse lady. I hope you don't have any crazy weird diseases. Cuz that would suck.

Anyway, I'll email you later on today (after OSU rehearsal). I haven't forgotten! :)

k8esk8e said...

Good! I want to hear from you. I miss you!!! We've gotta talk! Call me whenever you have a chance. I'm free pretty much all the time. Except 1-4 on sunday's for church. :)

cara said...

I miss Piper now SO much! She is adorable, cute and one of my favorite (being my only) cousin's daughter. I miss you and hope to see you soon.